Sunday 11 May 2014

Trip to Antarvedi

7 members, 4 bikes , 4 days , 1400 KM , 2 perennial rivers and ocean. That is our trip in a nutshell. Now to the details.

                                                          DAY 1.

9th January 2014. As usual, we started late. My hopes on trip were not really great. All that pushed me is the mild urge to have a multiple day trip on road.
We very diversified , not all of us are close friends, we dont belong to one age group, not profession, not all of us are riders, not all of us are smokers, not all of us are boozers. With four guys who are new to long drives, i was skeptical how long we go together, or how long we can travel without anybody getting ill.

                                  Cutting through the mist, heading towards east.

After taking pics, we started and stopped after 30 KM for breakfast-1. It was my proposal to have breakfast at Organic Hotel. The advertisements were welcoming us to eat there for the last 15 KM. The place is great, with a fake bullock-cart. Prices are a bit costly, so we decided not satisfy our tummies there and have our second breakfast at Suryapet, about 70KM from there.

When we are about to leave, Uday put iPad on my face and asked me to read the passage on it. Its a passage by Jiddu Krishnamurthy, a philosopher. We had little chat over it.

Of course we stopped twice for tea once and for cigarettes before reaching Suryapet. We devoured there. Santosh is driving my bike. I was enjoying my lost but found songs collection from 2006. I thought i have to recollect the songs when my hard drive broke , but luckily my friend had them. I could not stop smiling and singing. That old collection reminded me of the past "me".

I was a teenager when i started collecting them. So most of them are hero-introduction songs, related to personality development , telling the listeners how to deal with hardships of life and romantic songs. In romantic songs, except for few duets , there are mostly sung by a guy who had feelings for a girl and yet to propose her, or break-up songs.
We attach feelings to objects. We need that object to remember those feelings. I attach freedom to drives. That makes me happy, not just because, i am away from home, but it kind of gives me a feeling of Gypsy, a Normad. So, when i am on a drive, i try to enact the modus vivend of a gypsy. A rugged, not-so-
sophisticated , no-problem-with-mingling-with-all kind of Gypsy, who sings along , and who is not rich.
While i was singing out loud and drumming on Santosh's back, rest were waiting for us at road side lake. It must be an open land, which gets immersed with heavy rains. The trees, in the middle of the lake, gave it a magnificiant look. Had a short cigarette break there and we drove away, promising the lake to visit it again.
At outskirts of Vijayawada we discussed in which way we should reach Eluru. There are two ways to reach it. Through Vijayawada and circumventing-vijayawada. Finally, we decided to ride through the city. Sridhar and Uday knew the city well. Despite my request to lead through the city, they have zoomed away and rest of us were lost. Thanks to Google Maps, we crossed the city without wasting much time, its the people and police there who tried their best to confuse us.

Couple of hours of driving and we reached Eluru, headquarters of WestGodavari district. Our plan is to visit Kolleru lake , night halt at some lodge. The college kids we met there told us its futile to go there when sun is setting. So decided to go to Bhimavaram, visit Kolleru on the way back to Hyderabad.
The night, bad road , cattle and bugs, a bad combination to drive. The lady at a Tea stall gave us suggestions and gave phone number of his son in law, who would help us to get lodge at a temple nearby, which we didnt paln for. For curtosy sake, i took the number and assured her that we will call her if we are lost.

We reached Bhimavaram. I was expecting it be a small town, but a big shopping mall welcomed me. After fuelling bikes, we started to veeravasaram, where Grandparents of Uday live. This time, we had tea near a Fish packing factory, where workers are more friendly towards strangers and invited us to bet in the cock fights which will happen in next two days.

After driving in the night, long enough for my mood to get dampened, we reached the destination.

Scope of this blog wont allow me describe the great party and hospitality we received there. I might write it sometime in regular blog.

                                                                  DAY 2

Thanks to last night's party we all woke up late and we all are suffering dizziness. It was around 2 PM we started the bikes. Had to take a long break for Disprin and let it show the results.

Today, our target is to reach Antarvedi beach. This is where Godavari meets Bay of Bengal. And another to-do thing is to cross the river on a ferry.

Borded the ferry at Narsapur, parked bikes at ferry and stood by them as we cross the river, as if there
were horses terrified of river.

When the boat hit the river sand on the other side, i exhaled with relief. However, its fun. BTW, the ferry is called “Panti” in that area. Now we are at Sakinetipalli. Funny name.

With coconut trees standing like soldiers on either side of road, we got the black carpet welcome. I am going to skip how beautiful the way is , because all the routes we travelled in this particular trip are exceptionally beautiful. Unless i say otherwise , assume that, the road is beautiful, with coconut trees, canals and green fileds on either side of the road. This way, i dont have search for new words and expressions to make repetitions less boring.

Few kilometers from Antarvedi, we come across prossession of dummies to ward off evil. Enjoyed the show and went ahead.


                                                              Antarvedi Beach 

If you are looking for a lonely beach, where ocean makes less noise and beach is relatively neat and where you wont be distrubed by the streethawkers. Then its Antarvedi Beach. Whenever, i go to beach, i make sure to have some lonely time, to let the waves beat my thoughts so hard that i can find peace.

I was about to get into the beach-calm, sridhar came with his bike, followed by dixit on his bullet and lot of noice. Then came santosh and uday with my jacket and shoes. Nageswar and Prahlad follwed then. I was determined not to to let them distrub me, so i encouraged them to enjoy the ocean and promised that i shall guard their belonging. Santosh was first to throw his mobile and wallet and ran. Then Sridhar, Prahlad and Dixit disappeared from my sight. Nageswar took time then moved , he needed some push. Finally, Uday walked away with iPad. Aloneness again !!!

Anything which breaks our chain of thoughts and make us stop thinking about anyother , we say it has “wow” factor or “awe” factor. Things like an engineering marvel , ocean, beauty of girl, great art work, force of nature, a deadbody , forest, waterfalls etc etc. However, its very rare for a thing to have both wow factor and awe factor. Ocean is one such thing. The shore is like rap music, it has a beat and mood lifting nature, but the horizon is silent , terrifying seems observant . Its like the lazy lion watching its cubs playing in the distance.

There are tons of poetry on waves. Not much on ocean. Probably, the sheer size of ocean scared the wits of poets too.

Been looking at the ocean long enough to wonder if the ocean is trying to encroch remaining earth or its just retreting ? Then i realized its running away from me. Its been more than36hrs since i took a bath.

We found 2 dead turtles on the beach which come ashore. After few days i read in the newspaper that there were more.

I was hoping that today we dont have to ride in the dark, but , Uday decided otherwise. He returned to the bikes after sunset. After he started talking, the fact that i didnt go to the place where Godavari meets the sea hit me. I blame the beach.

                                                            Wrong Mukkamala 

Its decided. We are going stay at Mukkamala, where cousins of Uday reside. We headed back from the beach, and this time we trusted Google Maps and it costed us time. We reached the beach through bunch of villages with loud temples. Now, we were riding on a lonely road , through the woods. There was not man on the to confirm the Google is right.

We ate Rotis at a hotel.. Mukkamala is not so far, that made us to take more halts for tea. Ocean filled energy in everybody, especially, in Nageswar and Prahlad who seen it for the first time.

We reached Mukkamala at around 11PM. As bikes stopped polluting the air and we took up the job, Uday talked over phone with his cousin and ended the call with a peculier expression on his. He took slow steps , changed the voice modulation and told us “ Guys, we are in wrong Mukkamala, our Mukkamala is in West Godavari district and now we are in East ”.

When everybody froze with that and cold weather outside, Sridhar jumped on the road and started shouting “ I like this twist, I like this twist” with hands thrown in the air.

Uday is a doctor by profession, Santosh is a mechanical engineer, me and Prahlad studied electrical
engineering. Santosh, can take out the batteries from the bikes, me and Prahlad could connect them in series and Uday can give shocks to sridhar brain to set it right. However, Sridhar came to his senses soon and we started riding.

There are two villages named “Mukkamala” in each Godavari districts. Sadly, only one Mukkamala is recognized by Google which is not our destination.

Patil, cousin of Uday, came to pick us at Ravulapalem as he started doubting our navigation skills. He took us the correct Mukkamala village and hoasted a party in paddy fileds. This party too just went like the old one, with camp fire and all. However, this time the host is with us and he is one good conversationalist.

We went to sleep at 3AM.

                                                                  DAY 3

Woke up early than yesterday. After breakfast, took leave from Patil and started off our journey.

Sun showed us what darkness hid from us last night. Its greenary! Spreading across acres of land, like an ocean which is standstill. Except sridhar everyone become speechless. It brought out creative photographer in everybody. Uday, become the cinematographer with his iPad , asking us to drive in a row. I enjoyed it for sometime. When they started showing each others work , wasting precious day light, i was irritated.

Nageswar had no choice except to accept my ultimatum to get on the bike. The road is highly elevated , giving the obstruction free view of beauty around me. I decided to enjoy it , with music. Music serves another purpose too, i can escape participating in conversation.

We have only two things to do that day. Travel from Bobbarlanka, where river Godavari splits , to highway. The way looked beautiful in Google Maps. The two tributaries and the highway formed a triangle. The choosen way is from apex of the triangle to the mid point of the base.

Highway was conjusted as there was a lorry-bus accident. I drove till Kadiyam. Kadiyam is famous for nursaries and Nageswar wanted to see it for a long time, and that was the seed to this drive. I anticipated that he would take much time there, however, he was bored after first nursary we bumped into.

Part of me wanted to have tea and part of me wanted to see Bobbarlanka. Former is strong but later one got lucky. We halted at a hotel, which doesnot serve tea. Continued the ride in disappointment. Once we saw a bigger than life size statue of SV RangaRao, a gem from Tollywood,at Dhavaleswaram Dam, i become alright.

I passed through Dhavaleswaram bridge before, we walked on the sands in the previous trip. I anticipated that the road to Ravulapalem from Bobbarlanka would have the similar traces. I was wrong.

I bid Nageswar to call someone and tell them the location, and where to take the turn. Its about 2PM then.

We are headed towards a village called Ryali. To visit a temple there, where the sculptor is of both Vishnu and Jaganmohini. Just like previous day, the way is filled with greenary, and as a bonus, there is canal to either side of the road.

Blood is for Vampires, and tea for me. Its hard to resist our thirst for those liquids. We stopped at a place, had tea, had Jilabi and gave chance to rest of the guys to catch us up. They came, after having tea i requested them to get started. Everybody is talking on their photographic skills. I though Que sera sera and gave ultimatum to Nageswar again.

Bumped into series of shops which are selling “Pootharekulu”, a sweet which looks like a thin wrapper. We bought some and went to Ryali.

Spent some time in that temple, as we are returning, rest of the bikes approached us. I asked them to visit the temple as it is unique , while i ride slow towards Ravulapalem. They didnt show much interest in the temple and started off to Ravulapalem with Uday cursing me from behind. Obviously, i was pissing them off.

For the last one hr or so, i felt weirdness riding my bike. I thought, the problem is with with shockobsorbers again, however, Prahlad pointed out that its a flat tyre.

Its almost 4PM, and we are yet to have lunch, i asked rest them to go ahead with lunch to get my fixed. I was afraid that the tube must be replaced, fortunately that was not the case. When i called them to ask in which hotel they are lunching , they said they are still searching for the hotel. Apparently, sridhar wanted to eat rice-items so all bikes went for hunting. Its sad, we are searching for rice in the rice-bowl of Andhra Pradesh.

We had a long , unsatisfactory and costly lunch at a Dhaba. It was so long that we had hit the highway with headlights on.


                                                           To Learn or not to Learn

I hope that you will listen, but not with the memory of what you already know; and this is very difficult to do. You listen to something, and your mind immediately reacts with its knowledge, its conclusions, its opinions, its past memories. It listens, inquiring for a future understanding.

Just observe yourself, how you are listening, and you will see that this is what is taking place. Either you are listening with a conclusion, with knowledge, with certain memories, experiences, or you want an answer, and you are impatient. You want to know what it is all about, what life is all about, the extraordinary complexity of life. You are not actually listening at all.

You can only listen when the mind is quiet, when the mind doesn't react immediately, when there is an interval between your reaction and what is being said. Then, in that interval there is a quietness, there is a silence in which alone there is a comprehension which is not intellectual understanding.

If there is a gap between what is said and your own reaction to what is said, in that interval, whether you prolong it indefinitely, for a long period or for a few seconds - in that interval, if you observe, there comes clarity. It is the interval that is the new brain. The immediate reaction is the old brain, and the old brain functions in its own traditional, accepted, reactionary, animalistic sense.

When there is an abeyance of that, when the reaction is suspended, when there is an interval, then you will find that the new brain acts, and it is only the new brain that can understand, not the old brain”

This was the passage, Uday made me read at dawn of first day. I was thinking about it and found it half wise and half ridiculous. Jiddu Krishnamurti was proposing to abondon the experience we had and to grasp things as they are without judging them based on knowledge acquired in the past.

Probably the passage was taken out of context, or its the whole thing he wanted to make. I agree with the philosopher, we tend to ignore new things which keeps us away from getting fresh perspective of things, however, if we dont learn lessons from the past, and treat every repetitive incident as anew , we wont go ahead. If we dont learn and pass that knowledge to the next generation, then every generation would be inventing the wheel.

According to me, humans are supreme not because we have an opposible thumb or we are created by god. Its our ability to learn from experience, using it at next occurance of the same event and passing that knowledge to the next generation.

Probably, he does not want us to generalize things based knowledge we already have. We learn a lot with bad experience, and make an improptu conclusion based on it, they might help us survive but not make us happy on content. If every person , concludes that love is false after the first break up, we are all doomed. If every person concludes that his life is a waste after first failure, we are all dead. I dont mean to say, sit and talk to a tiger which came your way , hoping that it will become your pet. Tigers kill, thats all.
Though passing knowledge from one genration to other made us improvise the things, it is the same reason some of us are struck with dogmas.

While these thoughts are chewing my brain, we finished eating “Pootha rekulu” .

100 KM drive and we reached Eluru again. Tomorrow our aim is to tour Kolleru, let Sridhar take pics of Birds there and go home.

                                                                   Day 4

We continued the ritual of partying till late night and starts the bikes late. Of course, this day we started at 9AM, which is way too early for us.

We had Appalu, kind of Idlies till our neck. It took us some time to reach outskirts of Eluru, not because its a big city, but the traffic is as bad as Hyderabad.

                                                    Cheated by Google Maps, Again !!

According to Google Maps, Kolleru lake is a point on land and its not a waterbody at all. Some how , satallites used by Google, missed a fresh water lake of 300 SqKM. Thats then, i decided not to trust Maps.
However, part of blame goes to us too. We didnt bother to Google it and read any available blogs or see videos of Kolleru on Youtube. We expected the lake would be somthing of Hussain Sagar Size.
The lake turned out to be too huge even for our imagination. Its not like any other lake i have seen so far. The lake has small islands on it, some of which are connected and some are habituated by both birds and humans.

The fish-farmers use small boats made out of trunk of taddy trees. They can carry a diesl powered motor to pump water from one sector of farm to another.

I noticed that sridhar went missing. When i asked, Uday said, he drove back few kilometers to take snaps of birds. As we were waiting for him, we stopped a motor cyclist for directions. He gave us orange fruits along with directions.

The road is so bumpy that whatever we had for breakfast is digested and we were hungry again. We
stopped at a temple, “Peddintalamma gudi”, a local diety. We decided have lunch over there, or we had to eat there because Uday started eating. We ate till the hotel owner said there is no rice.
Apparently, there is an a bird sanctuary, 5KM from Kaikaluru. To reach that, travellers have to cross a Bamboo-bridge which is built by village panchayat. They charged Rs 2 for each bike as toll . The money might be sufficient to maintain the bridge, however, the experience we had and laugh i had is priceless. A local says that without that bridge, they have to circumvent 60 KM. At this point, Sridhar zoomed to the bird sanctuary so that he could take few snaps before sun set.

After another long bumpy ride which made our skeletons to vibrate, we reached “Aatapaaku bird sanctuary”. Mostly pelicans and cranes are visible at the bird sanctuary. Sridhar gathered the information that the administrative unit of the zilla made sure that humans and birds dont disturb each other. Hunting the birds and their food i.e fish in the lake is an offence. The policies worked, the fish in the lake grew exponentionally , which made the pelicans to make the bird sanctuary their breeding center.

After discussing how pelicans might taste and how much they weigh , we decided to go back to hyderabad. It was almost 5 PM.After talking a guy at tea stall, we decided reach Hyderabad, via, Gudivada and Vijayawada.

While we stopped , for tea, Sridhar went to saloon to get a shave. Rest of us found it weird and Dixit was shocked. The shock is visible in his face. We left Sridhar and went ahead, as a Ghost Rider, no matter how
late he starts he can catch us in no time.

Dixit's Enfiled ran out of fuel enroute to Gudivada. Fortunately, we found petrol at a retail shop. With that experience i checked the fuel knob to make sure that its ON. The way from Kaikaluru to Gudivada is scenic as usual, and we have a canal to the left, all through the way. I was looking for “ Ballakattu”, a floating thing which Andhra people use to cross canals. I guess, its the construction of bridges over canal made Ballakattu obsolete.

We passing through famous places which have made their way into Tollywood lyrics. Kaikaleru, Mudunepalli and Gudivada. I should start a theam-drive to cover places which were mentioned in the movies.

                                    Chose the road less traveled and it scared us.

After Sridhar joined us in Gudivada, we picked a way suggested by Uday who travelled in that region before. The traffic constable suggested an alternative route which has traffic. We headed that way, then couple of police suggested us to go the way Uday suggested. We came to route number one, the traffic halted due to railway gate, so decided go in the other way, and that has costed us peace of journy.

Gudivada to Hyderabad road has all the bad qualities a road can have. Single way, Potholes, bugs , cattle and traffic ( Maintly SUVs). Each one of us had experienced a near-accident experience then. Fortnately, nothing unwanted had happened, except two bikes went missing by the time we reached Kankipadu. Dixit , Prahlad and Sridhar took a detour as Sridhar had to pick up few things from his relatives.

I have reached Vijayawada first and waiting at Auto Nagar for the rest. My phone battery is drained and Nageswars battery is about to. We waited till Uday came to rescue us with a charged phone. It took another hour for us to communicate and coordinate for us to meet. Sridhar was still at his relatives home.

We have wasted some more time discussing wheather we should checkout the tunnel route in vijayawada or hit the Hyderabad highway as if we have chocices to make when sun went to bed and moon is challenging us to travel at night.

We have decided to go to Hyderabad and Santosh made us to halt to buy a monkey cap. We drove 20 KM to stop for dinner. Informed Sridhar about the location, and he joined us.

                                                                  Sleep Riding

After having stomach full of rotis, we made our plan. Its simple. Tea break at every major town on the way to Hyderabad. Little i know that we will have a sleeping-break too.

I was skeptical about our journey to hyderabad. Previous trips taught me that not every one can drive through out the night. And i am not one of them. Night driving, though on National Highway scares me. Invisibility , highbeams put more pressure on the brain which wants to take rest.

We stopped at every town for tea and coffee. I expected that Uday would push the idea to check in a hotel and sleep, but it was Dixit who did that. Four days of driving took the toll of each one. But, budget made us
to move ahead.

Dixit entered half-sleep mode, so santosh took Enfield. We continued our journey with me and Dixit arguing over politics till he becomes sober and expressed his will to drive Enfield.

In one of the many tea-breaks, Uday stood up with a firm expression on his face accused us of riding slow, so he would take Nageswar and reach Hyderabad, because Nageswar cant ride and he doesnot nead a back-up rider. We let them go, as Uday had to come to Bhimavaram the next day with his family.

10 min after we all started, i saw Dixits Enfield stopped on the left side. Prahlad didnt put his feet down and Dixit leening on petrol tank, looked as if he checking the fuel in the bike. I thought , the bike ran out of fuel and went there to enquire. Dixit was sleeping with his head on the petrol tank and Prahlad is checking his Mobile.

With a push, he woke up with red eyes. Santosh took Enfield again. Dixit started nagging to take a hotel. He made up stories like, he is seeing houses travelling along with us due to lack of sleep etc etc.

After couple of hours of riding, we stopped at Narketpally for Tea. Now the time is 3AM. One after one, everyone went to sleep. Me and Santosh were chatting till Uday and Nageswar joined us. Apparently, both of them slept at a town for more than hour and came here to sleep again.

My plan is to wake them up after one hour, but could not do so. They scattered all over that small hotel and slept with heads on the tables. The old guy who preparing breakfasts didnt bother us.

Me and Santosh palnned to wake them up at sun rice. The dense fog allowed them to sleep for some more time. It was almost 8:30 AM when the visability increased and we are confident enough to drive.

At Chowtappal, Uday and Sridhar slept again. Santosh who didnt sleep at all, was exhausted. He was so exhausted that he thought spelling of 2 is “to”.

In couple of hours , we reached our cafe, had tea and samosas and went home.

Its one trip which made realize that, one only needs to have endurance for a long drive not experience.